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Electrochemistry and Engineering Chemistry

Electrochemistry and Engineering Chemistry

This site contains popular-science style articles describing many aspects of electrochemistry. New articles are added at irregular intervals, and all articles are periodically updated (more…)


Non-Destructive Testing NDT Resource

Non-Destructive Testing NDT Resource

Eddy Current Testing (ET) and Infrared/Thermal Testing (IRT) are Interesting Areas where experienced designers can build and manufacture Test Equipment. These pages have NDT (more…)


Elektronika Jaroslav Belza

Elektronika Jaroslav Belza

LED brightness controler, Electronic dice, USB wire switch, JDM PIC programmer, Precise Low Voltage Power Supply, Electrolytic Capacitor Tester.

Elektronika Jaroslav Belza Projects

DIY electronics projects

  • Acoustic tester
  • Electronic pot
  • Rectifier for bar display driver
  • Psofometric filter
  • 4 Channel Voltmeter Nebraska V4
  • Two-colour blinking AC indicator light
  • Electronic load


Three Opamp Differential Instrumentation

Three Opamp Differential Instrumentation

This is the best Instrumentation OpAmp, Great CMRR, ensure supply has no ripple and keep analog and digital grounds separate.


Stephen Ostermiller Code

Stephen Ostermiller has many interesting and innovative code that will help you learn the right way to write code in JavaScript or Perl . Some of the highlights are Scientific Calculator, Triangle Calculator, Contact Form, Tic-Tac-Toe Graphing Calculator Programs, Java Utilities, RSS Reader and Random Password Creator.

on: 10/10/2024

Omnispace and Agora-Project

Agora-Project is the open-source software on which the Omnispace service is based. Omnispace is a collaborative work platform: it is a website and a service that centralize knowledge management and project management tools. 

on: 10/18/2021

CPick - HTML or HEX Color Picker

Sam Francke created a versatile freeware for a web designer or programmer. The colors for the GUI for the Web Application or Software can be chosen by this extremely useful software. Program to get colors from your screen with the build in magnifier. Zoom 1 to 10. Modify colors with the RGB or HSV slide bars. Copy the color to the clipboard as Hex, Decimal, RGB or HSV value.

on: 12/19/2020

ExpressionEngine Content Management

ExpressionEngine is a flexible, feature-rich content management platform that empowers hundreds of thousands of individuals and organizations around the world to easily manage their web site.

on: 10/23/2020

EE widgets of delabs

These are Gadgets i HandCrafted with JavaScript. Add them to your Webpage or Blog. There are Web widgets related to learning electronics and also demonstrating the subtle aspects of  Product Design Technologies.

on: 9/26/2020

Aircraft Dashboard Chronometer

Digital Clock with 24 hour Military Time Format, Aircraft Dashboard Chronometer Like Looks, Date, Time, Weekday and Week of Year. Clock Gadget, looks like a Clock in Cockpit Dashboard. It is a Mimic of A Flight Chronometer Instrument. It shows Time and Date close to Military Time-Date format. It also has week number and weekday display.

on: 9/24/2020

Programmable Digital Timer

Here is is gadget GUI for Industrial Process control, WebApps. The buttons make a sound and Light up internal LED lamps. Power On-Off control, Digital Timer; Start, Reset Scroll and Select are the controls. A Web Gadget which is a Preset Timer. This can be Programmed from any Browser. It can also be modified to control external outputs. The advantage is that the industrial process or Home automation can be monitored and controlled on any computer including tablets which has a Browser

on: 12/18/2019

Tristate Electronic Random Toss

Running LED, Random Results, Decade Counter and Clock. Weigh the Pros-n-Cons, Take a Balanced Decision. This can be built with one 555 timer and a CD4017. Use the pin 5 to connect to a cap you charge with a pushbutton or gate like CD4093 to turn off 555 using pin 4 after a cap discharges. This may simulate a random. Running LED, Random Results, Decade Counter and Clock. Weigh the Pros-n-Cons, Take a Balanced Decision.

on: 11/26/2019